I will always give my honest opinion on the board games I play, no matter if I purchased them myself or are provided free of charge for review purposes.
I have played all games I review and I try to play a game at least 3 times and with a number of different player counts before writing a review.
The BoardGameMeeple review format comes is broken down into 4 sections:
- Game Info
- Meeple Scoreboard Overview
- Meeple Metrics
- Photos inc. short description.
The Meeple Scoreboard scores across five areas and provides an overall score out of 25 Meeples. This can also be score divided by 5 to give a 5 Meeple rating if necessary (rounded down).
The scores cover:
- Gameplay Mechanics
- Player Interaction
- Artwork & Theme
- Component Quality
- Rulebook Clarity
The BoardGameMeeple Scoreboard was provided by LaserRox and sits proudly on the BoardGameMeeple game table.
Each score is out of 5, each being a Meeple increment. There is clear criteria for what is required to earn a Meeple.